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Yay Bikes! 2024-2026 Vision and Strategies

The Yay Bikes! Board has been hard at work in 2024 to craft a vision and set of strategies that will guide our organizational efforts over the next 1-3 years. We’re at a crucial moment in time in Central Ohio, with multiple jurisdictions developing bike/pedestrian plans in development (e.g. City of Columbus - Bike Plus Plan) and the possibility of massive bike/ped/transit infrastructure improvements on major corridors through the LinkUs plan. We will be identifying opportunities to involve all of you in the work of implementing the vision and strategies below - please be on the lookout!

Yay Bikes! 2024-2026 Vision for the Organization’s Work 

Yay Bikes! is a leader in bike advocacy, education, and events in Central Ohio and effectively

  • Advocates for mobility justice

  • Advances the implementation of safe, comfortable, accessible, and equitable bike infrastructure, programs, and policies

  • Activates a robust partnership network

  • Accelerates equitable and inclusive opportunities for community outreach and participation

Yay Bikes! Strategies to Implement 2024-2026 Vision

  1. Create/Lead bike rides and bike events throughout Central Ohio

  2. Create/Lead equitable educational opportunities for bikers of all types, ages, and skills

  3. Create/Implement a short/long range advocacy plan to build and strengthen safe biking networks, infrastructure, programs, policies, and partnerships

  4. Create/Implement a communications plan to reach new audiences and improve overall communications and outreach

  5. Create/Implement a development strategy to enable Yay Bikes! to fund the staffing and capacity required for effective organizational operations

  6. Grow/Engage/Empower YB board, committees, volunteers, and membership to (1) understand and develop solidarity with disempowered communities and marginalized lived experiences and (2) fully engage in effective advocacy

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