October 2015 activity report

Welcome to the monthly feature in which we round up all our events, earned media, program delivery, meetings and speaking engagements for the month. Representation and outreach like this is what you fund with your membership dollars and major gifts, folks! Behold, October:

October 2

Two presentations at MORPC's Summit on Sustainability: "Safer Streets & More Trails for a Healthier, More Active Region", Yay Bikes! Director Catherine Girves with Jordan Whisler of MORPC, Darren Hurley of the City of Worthington and Kjirsten Frank Hoppe of MVRPC; and "Driving by Yourself is Lame; We Give SOV a Bad Name",  Yay Bikes! Director Catherine Girves with Cleve Ricksecker of Capital Crossroads SID and Bilin Aksun Guvenc of OSU

October 7

Presentation at WTS Fall Luncheon: "All About Biking", Yay Bikes! Director Catherine Girves with Tony Collins of City of Columbus, Beth Snoke of OSU, Letty Schamp of City of Hillard, and Thea Walsh of MORPC

Route vetting ride for October's Year of Yay!

October 8

Regular meeting of Mayor Coleman's Green Team

October 10

Year of Yay! with "Get out the vote!" theme featuring stops at Upper Arlington Municipal Services Center,Franklin County Board of Electionsand the Bosco Center

Pedal Instead @ OSU v Maryland

October 12

Tiffany Dixon hired as Yay Bikes! Marketing & Communications Manager

Ride of Silence planning meeting

October 14

Board meeting of the Downtown Residents Association of Columbus, on which Catherine serves

October 17

Pedal Instead @ OSU v Penn State

October 18

Pedal Instead @ Columbus Marathon

October 19

Regular monthly Board Meeting of Yay Bikes!

October 20

Co-sponsored a Candidates Forum with DRAC and Franklin County Consortium for Good Government featuring 6 candidates for Franklin County Municipal Court Judge and 9 candidates for Columbus City Council

October 21

Program Committee meeting of the Central Ohio Greenways Board, on which Catherine serves

Presentation for OSU City & Regional Planning graduate seminar

Strategic Planning Board Meeting of Yay Bikes!

October 23

Ride of Silence fundraiser @ Highball Halloween

October 24

Ride of Silence fundraiser @ Highball Halloween

October 26

Ride Buddy ride with new Yay Bikes! employee

October 27

Presentation at Ohio Transportation Engineers Conference (OTEC): "Case Study: 4th and Summit Streets", Yay Bikes! Director Catherine Girves with Eric Lowery & Brian Hagerty of Stantec and Daniel Morehead & Richard Ortman of City of Columbus

WTS Meet & Greet event

October 28

OTEC, Day 2

Pedal Instead redesign meeting


Planning a route


'Get out the vote!' ride recap