December 2015 activity report
City of Columbus officials and Yay Bikes! volunteers at the official launch of Columbus' first protected bike lanes.
Welcome to the monthly feature in which we round up all our events, earned media, program delivery, meetings and speaking engagements for the month. Representation and outreach like this is what you fund with your membership dollars and major gifts, folks! Behold, December:
December 2
Regular meeting of the Safe Routes to School National Conference Program Committee
Exploratory meeting with a representative of Adventure Cycling about participation in National Bike Travel Weekend
December 3
Led a meeting and ride for the Knight Foundation and an exploratory committee from the Akron area to showcase why Columbus is a cool bike city
Official ride with Columbus City Councilman Shannon Hardin opening the bike lanes on Summit/3rd and Fourth Streets
Attended the 11th Annual Statewide Tribute to Rosa Parks, offered by COTA, The Ohio State University and Congresswoman Joyce Beatty
The Lantern: "Protected bike lanes open along Summit Avenue"
December 5
Spoke about the movie "Bikes vs Cars" and bicycle infrastructure at Paradise Garage's Holiday Hop Party
December 8
Inaugural meeting of ODOT's Statewide Active Transportation Team
Regular meeting of COTA's NextGen Advisory Group
Conversation with staff at Paradise Garage regarding new Columbus infrastructure
December 10
Quarterly meeting of Columbus' Chronic Disease Prevention Advisory Board
December 12
Year of Yay! with "Giving" theme featuring stops at the Lutheran Social Services West Side Food Pantry and WCMH NCB4 studios "Firefighters for Kids" toy drive
December 13
The Columbus Dispatch: "New bike lanes causing confusion north of Downtown"
December 14
Ride of Silence planning meeting
December 16
General (public) meeting of the Downtown Residents Association of Columbus, on which Catherine serves
Board meeting of the Central Ohio Greenways Board
December 21
Regular monthly board meeting of Yay Bikes!
Kick-off meeting with the City of Columbus to explore the possibility of a Downtown Bike Hub
December 22
Meeting with the Fitness Loft to discuss considerations for operating a shower/locker space
Streetsblog USA: "Vote for the Best Urban Street Transformation of 2015"
December 25
Columbus Underground: "Best Nonprofits in Columbus"