May 2017 activity report
ODOT transit employees learning to use the COTA bus racks during a Professional Development Ride with us this month.
Welcome to the monthly feature in which we round up all our events, earned media, program delivery, meetings and speaking engagements for the month. Representation and outreach like this is what you fund with your membership dollars and major gifts, folks! Behold, May:
All month
Delivered Columbus Bike Maps to bike shops throughout Central Ohio
May 1
Chaired the MORPC Community Advisory Committee meeting
May 2–3
Trained Bike Cleveland to deliver Professional Development rides
May 4
Columbus Alive: Things We Love: Picks from Emily Monnig
Vet the Bike the Cbus route
May 5
Vet the June Year of Yay! route
May 6
Tabled at Pinchflat Bike Poster Blowout
May 9
Delivered a Professional Development Ride in Cleveland and another in Euclid
May 10
Meeting at the Ohio Department of Health regarding our upcoming Ride Buddy / How We Roll program for state employees
May 12
Met with a national representative from Dero
May 11
Tabled at the Worthington Community Bike Rodeo
Columbus Green Team meeting
May 13
Year of Yay!, 'April Showers Bring May Flowers' theme
May 15
Delivered a Professional Development Ride with ODOT transit professionals in Columbus
Yay Bikes! board meeting
May 16 "Groups aim to make biking to work safer and more convenient"
ODOT Messenger: "Bike to Work Week"
Led a bike ride with members of the press
May 17
Participated in 2 Columbus Foundation Big Table conversations
May 19
The Loop: "5.19.17"
Led a ride to Columbus' Bike to Work Day celebration
May 21
Delivered a How We Roll ride for Yay Bikes! members
May 22
Delivered 2 Professional Development Rides in Defiance
May 23
Attended a planning meeting for the Statewide Active Transportation Institute
May 24
Attended a Central Ohio Greenways board meeting
May 30
Delivered a Professional Development Ride in Dublin
May 31
Delivered 2 Professional Development Rides in Meigs County (Pomeroy and Middleport