It's a 'Year of Yay!'
Our monthly ride showcases various businesses, organizations, sites and parts of town around a different theme each month. Kicking off at Lucky's Market in Clintonville at 10am every second Saturday, this no-drop FREE RIDE rolls at a conversational pace and is appropriate for riders of all ages and skill levels. Check out the FAQs below!

A: We offer lots of support for riders of all ages and abilities.
Q: When are the rides?
A: All rides are the second Saturday of the month, beginning at 10am and ending by 2pm.
A: We ride lawfully on a Year of Yay!, which means a few things in particular that might be different from what you find on other rides. First, we do not ride more than two abreast. Second, we do not "cork", or block, intersections to get everyone through (our leads and sweeps are there to ensure the safety of the group when we break at stops). Third, we always yield to pedestrians in crosswalks and for emergency vehicles. Fourth, we do not call on our fellow riders to "single up" for motor vehicle traffic—we "take the lane" as necessary, which is completely legal and often advised to ensure everyone's safety. If you have questions about why we are riding the way we are, please don't hesitate to ask! That's kind of the point! :)
Q: How much does it cost?
A: Year of Yay! rides are free for all participants. Participation in the rides is, however, exclusively reserved for members and first-time guests. Join now!
Q: How do I register? Can I just show up?
A: We strongly encourage pre-registration—it makes your day-of experience more pleasant, guarantees your exclusive button and your spot on the ride (we cap at 100 participants) and ensures you receive all ride-related communications. Day-of registrations begin at 9:30am.
Q: Where do the rides start and end?
A: During 2018, rides will leave from and return to Lucky's Market in Clintonville.
Q: What happens during the rides?
A: After a brief welcome, we head out on the road and ride a casual few miles to our first destination. There we may receive a tour, explore on our own, shop, etc. for 10–20 minutes before heading back out for another few miles and similar stops. Then we return to Lucky's, and those who are done depart from there. There is always a group of riders who are interested in sticking around after the ride to share a meal and socialize. We hope you choose to hang out too!
Q: What should I bring with me?
A: The only essentials are your bike and helmet. Otherwise, bring anything you feel will make you more comfortable on the ride (e.g., phone, bottle of water, snacks, sunscreen, medicines, etc.), wear weather-appropriate clothing and come as you are. Bike locks are not necessary but may be useful. Keep in mind that we typically don't stop at places with food and water, so you'll need to plan accordingly.
Q: What happens if the weather is bad / WHAT IS YOUR CANCELLATION POLICY?
A: Our cancellation policy is that we do not cancel UNLESS a snow emergency has been issued on the morning of the ride.
Q: What’s up with the buttons? Can I get a button for the rides I missed?
A: Each rider receives a button designed by a local artist to reflect that month’s theme. Buttons are exclusive to those who participate in the ride.
Q: Do I have to be a strong cyclist to participate?
A: Year of Yay! is designed to accommodate riders of all ages and abilities. Our pace is a casual 10–12mph, each ride features several stops for exploration and no one is ever left behind. You can do it!
Q: WHat happens if I get separated from the group?
A: Each Year of Yay! ride is lead by a volunteer who plans and helps organize the route. When we get a large group of riders, chances are likely that the group will get split up at a light or intersection. In that case, a secondary lead will step in to make sure the rest of the group gets to the destination. Each “lead” is accompanied by a “sweep” (a sweep is a volunteer who rides at the back of a group to make sure no one is left behind). Typically, there are three leads (including the primary lead) and three sweeps for each ride. Leads and sweeps will be introduced at the start of the ride. If for some reason you can’t complete the ride, someone will be available to lead you back to the start.