August 2017 activity report
Deo and Meredith lead an educational ride with 5 employees of the Ohio Department of Education and the Ohio Department of Higher Education.
Welcome to the monthly feature in which we round up all our events, earned media, program delivery, meetings and speaking engagements for the month. Representation and outreach like this is what you fund with your membership dollars and major gifts, folks! Behold, August:
August 1
Health fair tabling event at the Ohio Department of Health
Delivered a Professional Development Ride in Cincinnati, Newport & Covington with 26 transportation professionals from around the U.S. at AASHTO's Conference on Performance-Based Transportation Planning, Financing, and Management
Participated in the Short North's National Night Out celebration
August 2
Ride Buddy ride with an Ohio Department of Higher Education employee
August 3
Site visit to the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency to evaluate bike parking needs
"Pushin' Pedals" beer release party at Platform Beer Co, to benefit bicycle advocacy in Ohio
Bike the Cbus planning meeting
August 4
Professional Development Ride with Columbus City Schools staff
August 5 Walkable, bikeable, and regional
August 8
Columbus Underground: Focus on Philanthropy: Yay Bikes! Removes Barriers to Biking
Coffee with Catherine @ Upper Cup Coffee Co in Gahanna
Led the Tuesday Night Ride to Whole Foods Easton to try the "Pushin' Pedals" beer
August 9
Evaluated applications to the insight2050 Technical Assistance Program on its Selection Committee
August 10
Bike the Cbus planning meeting
August 11
Site visit to the Ohio Department of Health to evaluate bike parking needs
August 12
Year of Yay!, Water theme
August 15
Ride Buddy ride with 4 Ohio Department of Health employees
Lucky's Market Impact Day tabling event
Professional Development Ride for Perry County officials in New Lexington
August 16
Drop In with Deo @ Short North Coffee House in the Short North
Presentation to transportation professionals from the Atlanta Regional Commission about the collaborative process to develop bike lanes over the 3rd and 4th Street bridges
August 17
Site visit to Rhodes Tower to evaluate bike parking needs
Bike the Cbus planning meeting
August 18
Ride Buddy ride with 1 Ohio Department of Higher Education employee and 1 Ohio Development Services Agency employee
August 19
Rode the Bike with Mayor Ike bike ride
Yay Valet! @ Grove City EcoFest
August 20
Spoke on Central Ohio bicycle advocacy at the Black Girls Do Bike Columbus semiannual meet-up
August 21
Yay Bikes! board meeting
August 22
Perry County Tribune: County approves active transportation committee
Blessing of the Bicycles planning meeting with Summit on 16th United Methodist Church
August 23
How We Roll ride with Yay Bikes! members
August 24
Attended the 2017 COTA Annual Luncheon
August 25
Ride Buddy ride with 1 Ohio Department of Medicaid employee
Bike the Cbus planning meeting
Ride Buddy ride with 5 employees of the Ohio Department of Education and the Ohio Department of Higher Education
August 26
Bike the Cbus volunteer appreciation and route vetting ride
August 27
How We Roll ride with Yay Bikes! members
August 29
Candidates Forum planning meeting with Franklin County Consortium for Good Government